The Industrial Floor Leader For The Future

" We apply our success and experiences under the management of multiple organizations for you. "


Teaching techniques for modern supervisors

Who is the supervisor?

Who is the supervisor?
     The supervisor is the person who has the duty to take care of the administration, suggesting to follow up, follow the work, create morale, to blame the subordinates to make the work and followers proceeded smoothly and successfully or said that the supervisor is responsible for ordering from above and conveyed to their own subordinates to work efficiently and effectively.

What qualities must a good supervisor have?
     In order for the work to be smooth and successful, a good supervisor must have the following qualifications:

1. A good supervisor should have knowledge and expertise in the job.
     Before we stepped up to the supervisor, I believe that we have to be a very good employee, so when we are good employees, we can become a good supervisor and that we are supervisors. I believe that it is not a coincidence, which our supervisor can see that we have knowledge, ability and expertise in the work that is responsible until the opportunity to promote, which, when we have become the leader, should Be a good leader, don't let him say

Lost a good employee and gained a bad boss.”

2. A good supervisor must know how to think and plan.
     Being a good supervisor is necessary to know before doing it, that is, planning the work every time the assignment for his subordinates to proceed with the supervisor.

  • Think of it as talking to your subordinates.
  • Think of it as an assignment with subordinates.
  • Think of it as teaching work with subordinates.
  • Think of it as punishing the subordinates who do wrong.
  • Think about it before you report to your supervisor or executive.
  • Or think of it as even complimenting or rewarding subordinates.

     which must always have thinking skills, and most importantly, the supervisor must know how to think positively and firmly with the words of some subordinates who are not light-hearted without having to think carefully and analytically.

3. A good supervisor must have commanding skills and management skills.
     The supervisor is considered as an early command, so what is good at the supervisor should have the ability to manage because the supervisor is similar to the sandwich that must be in the middle of the carrying from the top, that is. Executives and below are the subordinates of the supervisor, so they must know the management of both parts to be balanced and able to lead the organization to a good result. If any organization has a good and good supervisor, they will achieve people in Taking care will bring happiness. The organization will definitely progress as expected, but any organization whose supervisor is not good or not good will have problems, both people and organizations will have problems.

4. A good supervisor must have the art of creating a good working environment.
     One of the commanding arts that supervisors should have is skills to build good human relations in coexistence in the organization because if supervisors do not know how to build good relationships with subordinates living together in the organization Of the supervisor and his subordinates are probably tasteless, but if the supervisor knows how to create the organization, only smiles, either with subordinates or nearby departments, which may start from the small points, that is the department itself and believe that by creating a small organization Even if only the neighboring departments have to receive the power of happiness in creating a good environment, which is from two from two to three and spread to the whole organization, it would be a pleasure if today we understand the role of being a good supervisor so that the job will be smooth and successful.

The story that the supervisor creates problems for his subordinates unknowingly.

The story that the supervisor creates problems for his subordinates unknowingly.
     Many bosses have never explored their behavior about where we have disadvantages, because they will receive only the compliments until they get used to and no one dares to blame or speak his disadvantages. Some behaviors are very annoying to the subordinates, but cannot speak, resulting in you become an incomplete leader in the eyes of subordinates and also secretly think that you don't have enough potential. Which, if able to solve these 5 fussy things, will definitely make you a quality leader and be loved by all your subordinates.

1. Order too many meetings without a clear pattern
      Many frequent meetings may think that it will help everyone to brainstorm ideas and can improve their work as expected. This is what the leader wants, but in reality. The meeting regularly or again, without a system, there is no plan, there is no plan, but will only waste more time to work. Unfortunately, all employees have their own duties. Wasting time working there, especially if you hold a meeting often, it makes him waste time and may have to work overtime, which does not have any employee and this may make the subordinates dislike you either.

2. Complaining that employees never appreciate
      When an employee makes a mistake, do you tend to blame them right away? It's not wrong to blame, but what's wrong is when you blame other employees or in front of a large number of people to embarrass them because it will make employees feel emotionally hurt. And there is no confidence in working at all, including possibly causing a discord in your heart towards you as well. In addition, if you are good but blame but never compliment yourself, it will make the employee feel unhappy and uncomfortable to stay. Close to you or work with you as well, because no matter what you do, you are always or not. But never received compliments from you.

3. Acknowledging every problem but overlooking it
      To be a leader, that is to be a dependency for all subordinates, regardless of the problem, the leader must be able to solve or help him, especially the problems that occur in the organization, which, if the head is well -known but never. Edit, never made it correct. All the staff will think that it is unfair or continue to work with the boss like this, there is nothing better, but will only create a headache or difficult for them, especially with Problems caused by people working together, conflicting employees or internal politics, these are things that need to be resolved quickly. So that all employees want to work with you and understand that you are fair to everything.

4. Never give an answer to an important matter.
     Every organization must have had a big problem to make decisions, which the power of these problems is only directly from the boss and the decision in those stories will make the employees work very hard. It may look superficially like a little problem, but in truth it creates a hustle and bustle for employees, because in the end, when you finish the decision, the person who will start working is that the subordinates and that is equal to his time to work less. If you make a decision faster, he has a lot of time. The work will come out more efficiently, so even if you are busy, it should be placed for the story that it affects many people. Clear tasks that involve large numbers of people first and then proceed with other tasks.

5. Assign too much work
      Of course, employment employees in the window position and hope that he will work worth the money that is paid, but do not forget that the staff is not a robot. Not good for you only, unless you assign work and pay for real works such as freelance employment or having commissions for them. It's equal to them earning more as well.

How to solve the problem of disrespectful


How to solve the problem of disrespectful, disobedient subordinates.

1. Keep your distance
     The reason is that between you and your subordinates are too intimate, such as knowing each other's personal information and often hanging out together after work. If you meet someone who can distinguish between working hours and personal time, it is considered lucky, but if you are a person who sees you as a friend all the time, you should start to keep the distance with him more, reduce personal discussions. Give less, if there is a chance, try to talk honestly, should understand each other better.

2. Approach more people in the team
     On the other hand, some of the boss may have too much distance, such as talking only about work or the leader, ordered to follow only to approach them by inviting other things other than the story. Work or showing care for working people, for example, trying to talk about their interests and opinions, at which point may be born as a new idea that can be used to develop work as well.

3. have empathy for others
     It is another skill that leaders should have in this day and age because working people have a sense of thought, some days they may have to manage a lot of work or encounter many problems that cause pressure or stress and result in efficiency. Reduced work or the need to take leave for personal reasons should ask the reason for coming to help solve the problem instead of finding fault or scolding.

4. Reduce the importance of roles.
     If you meet an ego subordinate, not obeying the commands or orders, then rarely follow. After this, gradually reduce the role in his team, such as not assigning important work or a large project to do but he is responsible. Simple tasks or small tasks for him to have some achievements.

วันที่โพส : 16-03-2023
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