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Teaching, Assignment and Follow up Technique

Techniques for assigning work

Techniques for assigning work and following up on subordinates to achieve both work and heart
     The role of a good supervisor It is inevitable that the assignment and monitoring of work for the goals set by the organization, which the assignment is considered important for effective work, supervisors should understand their role that we are supervisors, which must be managed in the picture. Including more than doing the work yourself, so in order to drive the work forward, the supervisor should understand the assignment correctly. In addition, it would not be possible to delegate tasks alone. must be recommended Teach the work that the subordinates do not yet understand so that the work will come out with more quality than mistakes on a daily basis.

1. Planning and preparation before starting work
     One role that the supervisor should do every morning is to come at least 30 minutes before the time of work to plan himself, prepare the work to do today and clarify the work goals from yesterday. To prevent mistakes from work and from people, planning is an important factor. Because having a plan is better than not having a plan, and there should be clarifications for subordinates to understand the overall picture of the work to help improve their work every day.

2. The assignment should have a clear time frame.
    Every time the supervisor has an assignment, the job should be clearly stated, especially the date, time, place, content, details of the responsible person in order to understand both the supervisor and his subordinates. For example, if you want to work in the morning, you should Notify the time clearly rather than just telling the time or the meeting. The meeting should be clearly stated and framed in the meeting. The meeting can be done either before the start of work during the day or before the end of work, but there must be a framework. Talk clearly for effective time management.

3. Assign tasks must explain the content in detail.
    There are many types of communication, including verbal communication, body language communication. Both of which should be done at the same time in order to persuade subordinates to pay attention to the communication, the tone of voice must be loud and clear, with body language that is a smile, the brightness from the face that indicates sincerity and the power of thought to the child. In addition, communication must be able to explain from difficulty to become easy, which the boss must do homework, preparation for work before communication to compose words correctly and take time. Shortly to explain which Every time you communicate with your subordinates, you must observe the facial expressions of your subordinates and should review the message that is communicated to your subordinates every time by subordinates communicating back to us, that is, the boss, to create awareness in the same direction first.

4. The follow-up should not be too frequent.
    Keeping track of good work should not go around all the time like finding a mistake, which in my own view is only 2 rounds, that is, 1 round before lunch break and 1 round before finishing work in order to follow up on the progress of the work goal. It has been placed that there is any problem or the work comes out smoothly because if the work has a problem will be able to quickly find a solution in a timely manner

5. Body language communication
    Physical communication is very important, especially if the boss is talking about the problem of work, it should be too stressful, but to look at the problem as an opportunity, a challenge that both the boss and subordinates. Must be responsible together, that is, to find a way to solve problems rather than making a stressed face on subordinates or making a sad face that causes lack of morale and morale in work, I believe that the modern leader must have the ability to stimulate ideas. Of the subordinates create ideas for the development of work, improve work, to sit and punish each other like this, the ancient leader of the Chao Kuhn Mun era, so the expression of the face must be friendly and back. What we want, we always have to start giving that thing first and the thing that doesn't cost a single baht of gold is a smile.

When the problem is caused by human error, how can it be reduced?
    Often, when an error occurs in work, one of the reasons that is always found is caused by human error, also known as Human Error, in addition to errors that may be caused by machinery, raw materials that are not standard. correct or inappropriate environments, which are all related to people as well, so studies to understand the nature of human error Including the causes and ways to prevent it will help to reduce both problems that have already occurred and that may occur to greatly reduce human error.
Human error is an error caused by the action of a person doing more or less than the acceptable level of the system. The characteristics of human error can be divided into 2 types:
    - Unintentional mistakes caused by doing or not doing without forethought, such as forgetting to read the measurement value, picking up the wrong part, assembling, including cases that we call accidents.
    - Intentional mistakes are mistakes made by doing or not doing. which the employees believe is the right decision. For example, speeding up the temperature in the injection molding machine will reduce the work time. Putting multiple parts in the same box will reduce space and work difficulty.

Factors affecting the ability to work.

Factors affecting the ability to work.
     We can divide the factors that affect the ability of employees to achieve the goals set into 3 categories, consisting of

- internal factors
- external factors
- pressure factor

internal factors
     Internal factors are caused by elements that occur within the employees themselves, which will affect the work of employees, including

- training
- Skills
- experience
- Motivation, work attitude
- emotional state
- culture
- personality
- knowledge on the job
- body health

external factors
While external factors that affect the work of employees can be divided into 2 main groups:

Characteristic 1 Pressure on the mind
- Environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, air quality, light, noise, vibration, cleanliness
- working hours, break hours
- production shift rotation
- availability of special tools, equipment
- level of staff
- organizational structure, authority, responsibility and communication
- Administration Policy

Group 2 Tasks, tools and methods of work
- Documented or unwritten methods of work
- Written or verbal communication
- Warnings and Caution
- Teamwork and communication structure
- need for recognition
- physical structures such as speed, strength
- expected needs
- decision
- Calculation Requirements
- Working with control or auxiliary design equipment
- Relationship between control and display
- Frequency of repeating work

pressure factor
     As for the pressure that occurs at work, which affects the work of employees, it can be divided into 2 types: the state of pressure that affects the mind and the pressure that affects the body.

Characteristic 1 Pressure on the mind
- dangerous working conditions
- the hustle and bustle of work
- error in work
- being demoted or important in work
- Mismatched Performance Expectations
- Incorrect support
- noise or movement that interferes with work
- Failure to receive benefits or rewards from work

Characteristic 2 Pressure on the body
- prolonged stress
- fatigue
- pain or discomfort
- thirst
- Excessive heat
- sickness
- movement in confined spaces
- repetitive movement
- intermittent disturbance

Guidelines for reducing human error

     Although the pressing conditions will have a negative impact, in some cases, the pressure is necessary for work to meet the goal is to stimulate or stimulate the needs of the work. Therefore, if in Management can create a balance between internal and external factors and stressful conditions to help achieve maximum efficiency.

Guidelines for reducing human error
     In setting guidelines to increase work efficiency for employees, management must first understand the types of mistakes that comprise.
 - Factors arising from personal characteristics that are not related to working conditions.
- Factors arising from the design of working conditions.

Approach 1: Using human factors engineering principles
    Engineering principles related to human factors or Ergonomics will focus on designing methods for working machines and working environments that are suitable for the abilities and limitations of workers, including the ability to maintain good tools. New systems the design must be convenient for maintenance of both tools and machines, such as having sufficient and clear information about machine tools, specifying details for inspection at each interval, and having sufficient replacement parts.
     In process design, it starts from reviewing the original working style, then conducting interviews with employees to analyze whether the established working style affects the work or not, as well as find new ways for the new design.

Guideline 2: Preparation of manuals and work methods that are clear and accurate.
    Many mistakes that occur can be prevented if work instructions or work manuals are written accurately, completely and clearly. It also saves the burden of having to remember the content of work. This may cause forgetfulness and affect the work. Writing an operating document must clearly state the content of the work step by step in a sequence. This may be represented in the form of a description, process flow chart or decision table.

Guideline 3: Providing training and developing work skills
    Training will help to increase the skill of employees as well as help to reduce the errors that will occur from the work of the employees. To familiarize employees with the working conditions that must be involved at all times, in addition to retraining to regularly review employees. Will greatly help in reducing errors in the work of employees as well as maintaining the ability to work for employees in addition to training in content related to the work that is responsible for the training also included To training on management systems to understand the management approaches that are established in an organization, environmental management system or safety management system.

Method 4: Creating a system to detect and correct mistakes
    Many errors caused by humans can be prevented by implementing explicit operational controls, for example in some service operations a paired system is in place to help supervise potential errors. In addition, another method used to prevent mistakes is to create a system for self-verification, which will review the correctness of things before starting to work, such as using the correct technique. come to verify dispensing medicines to patients by verifying that the patient is correct, the drug is dispensed correctly, the dosage is correct, the details are correct, and the timing is correct, as in a restaurant; The customer is right, the food is right, the quantity is right, the details are right and the time is right.

Approach 5 Responding to the social and psychological needs of employees
    Motivation is very effective when management understands the fundamentals of employee performance and provides training to equip employees with a better understanding of their job responsibilities. To create incentives for work:
- Emphasizing achievements, congratulating, appreciating and recognizing employees for the achievements made by them.
- Giving access to information so that employees can understand what is going on, including using various information to develop the work of employees themselves.
- Challenging work assignments for employees to stimulate the feeling of work to encourage the desire to take on challenging new tasks.
- Expanding the scope of responsibility is an opportunity for employees to fully use their potential, including giving employees pride in their responsibility.
- Opportunity to express themselves in taking action and making decisions in the work they are responsible for without having to wait for instructions all the time so that employees have confidence and commitment to work.
- Opportunity to express themselves in taking action and making decisions in the work they are responsible for without having to wait for instructions all the time so that employees have confidence and commitment to work.
- Participation in problem-solving planning and goal setting is for employees to feel involved in setting the direction of the organization, including participating in solving problems that arise to create awareness of the work.


    Errors in the work of people are all challenging for the executives of the organization to manage, including finding the causes of problems caused by people with understanding to lead to correct problems. Allocating time and resources to managing employees in the organization is therefore very important to increase the overall efficiency of the organization.

วันที่โพส : 17-03-2023
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